Transition at Craig Campus
MAISD Transition at Craig Campus 
Learn. Connect. Grow.
The Transition Campus is an elective postsecondary program that assists participants 18-26 years of age gain skills and make connections that facilitate independence in employment, daily living skills, self-advocacy and community living. The Transition Campus works directly with local agencies to support participants in developing independence and
reaching their goals.
Questions About Our Program?
Have questions about the MAISD Transition at Craig Campus program?
Telephone 231-767-7320 or email Katie Slaghuis.
Our address: 1580 Park Street. Muskegon, MI 49441
Phone: 231-767-4300 Fax: 231-767-4343
Our Mission:To support all transition participants to be as independent as possible in community, vocational and home life settings, by building skills in: self advocacy, communication, relationships, and safety awareness. See our participants in action assisted by their instructors as they gain confidence, self-awareness, and independence by the learning life skills needed to become productive citizens in our community. |
Participant Benefits:
- Build Self-Confidence
- Create lasting friendships
- Develop social/emotional growth
through Positive Behavior
Intervention and Supports
- Encourage positive self-esteem
through self-determination
- Promote independence in life
- Provide self-advocacy awareness
Learning Experiences: 
• Communication
• Cooking
• Finance and Budgeting
• Health and Safety
• Housekeeping
• Mobility and Transportation
• Recreation and Leisure
• Responsible Citizenship
• Shopping Skills
• Social Awareness
• Technology
• Work Based Learning
Instructional staff provides supervision and training to
meet the individual learning needs of each participant.
• Community Living Connections
• Daily Living Skills
• Employment Awareness
• Self-Advocacy Understanding
MAISD Transition at
Craig Campus
1580 Park Street
Muskegon, Michigan 49441
For more information please contact:
Email Katie Slaghuis, Principal
or telephone at 231-767-7320