Build up MI Kids
Is your child having difficulty learning?
There are many milestones your child will demonstrate between the ages 3 to 5 in order to determine the rate of his or her development.
Please call Build Up today if you notice that your child is:
Between the ages 3 and 4
- Not able to recognize at least 3 colors or shapes
- Disinterested in pretend play
- Having difficulty focusing on an activity for brief periods
- No interest in playing with other children
Between the ages 4 and 5
- Not able to name basic colors and shapes
- Having difficulty understanding the concept of time
- Having difficulty understanding the rules of basic preschool games
- Not able to discuss basic facts about themselves
- Unable to count or point out 5 objects
- Unable to recognize their name in print
Need more information? Learn more about our services, or call the Michigan Special Education Information Line at 1-888-320-8384 or visit http://buildupmi.org/