Great Start Collaborative
Improving Early Childhood Outcomes
in Muskegon County
The Great Start of Muskegon is a collaboration of parents, educators, health professionals, business and community leaders who are working together to ensure that our children are safe, healthy, and eager and able to succeed in school and in life. New members are welcome. The full GSC meets quarterly, typically on the second Tuesday of March, June, September and December. Workgroups, parent leadership meetings, parent support groups and Learn, Play & Grow Groups for children birth-5 with a caregiver are also regularly scheduled. Anyone with a stake in early childhood is invited to join our efforts to network, collaborate and support families to give their children a GREAT START.
This work and the materials and resources shared on this page were developed under a grant awarded by the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education Advancement and Potential.
Contact Allison Keessen, Coordinator, 231-767-7285, Email Allison Keessen
OR Liz Londo, Parent Liaison, (text or call) 231-299-0182, Email Liz Londo
Explore & Get Involved!
- Support Read early. Read often. as a volunteer or contributor
- Volunteer to help connect families to early childhood resources. Call or email Allison Keessen at 231-767-7285
- Access and Share the Online Service Directory for Families with Young Children.
- Request Children's Service Directories Brochures or submit updates for future editions.
- Follow us on Facebook!