Strategic Plan
MAISD Strategic Plan
Our Vision
To be the premier source for quality educational programming, service and leadership.
Our Mission
To provide leadership and programming that enhances the success of everyone we serve.
Please see our strategic plan information below, which provides focus and direction for our work to help us fulfill our mission and vision.
Strategic Plan Goals
Administrative Services/Finance
Build capacity within the Lakeshore School Business Officials group to positively impact understanding of and support for public education.
- Facilitate Lakeshore School Business Officials group with local district business officials. Engage with local partners on issues of school finance.
- Regularly participate in MSBO and ASBO committee work. Engage with state and national partners on the issue of school finance.
Support constituent districts within MAISD in the areas of MUNIS, business processes, and school finance issues.
- Provide reliable business services for partner districts in the areas of payroll, accounting, and business office management.
- Support district business offices with Munis resources. Lead the upgrade process to version 2021 during the 2022-23 fiscal year.
Human Services (HR)
Enhance staff wellness opportunities & develop MAISD employees’ professional growth to ensure the premier educational workplace in West Michigan.
- Create systems of support to develop employees' professional growth and engagement.
- Enhance the systems of support to promote access to physical and mental well-being.
Provide support to local districts regarding human resources and pupil membership to provide training on truancy, auditing, data quality, and state and federal reporting by the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
- Provide engaging training for district staff and administrators.
- Provide tools for districts to improve monitoring and reporting of student attendance.
Career Tech Center
Support the development and use of programs and resources to implement K-12+ career education and career development for all districts and students.
- Create systems to support data-driven decision-making.
- Directly support districts with their Xello use.
Increase understanding of what the CTC is, does, and can do for the schools and students of Muskegon County.
- Be an active participant in county meetings with a variety of stakeholders (counselors, principals, curriculum directors, etc.).
- Intentional communication with the local districts.
Explore programming opportunities within the CTC to ensure the CTC programs meet the needs of our community.
- Collect local school input about programming needs through surveys and conversations.
- Gather Employer input about programming and workforce needs.
Lakeshore Learning Center
Improve data collection systems and action processes in order to show positive outcomes for all learners on a variety of measures.
- Implement Progress Monitoring Spreadsheet.
- Improve Referral Documentation.
Assist local districts in communicating with their stakeholders by creating at least one communication asset each school year.
- Produce at least one communication asset for each local district that assists them in engaging their key stakeholders in promoting public education.
Provide timely training with each district to build capacity for the promotion of their district.
MAISD Transition at Craig Campus
Develop a Transition at Craig Campus shared identity/vision statement in the next three years to collaboratively strive and give equitable opportunities to all participants.
- Support staff in shared vision through professional learning sessions, small group planning sessions, and evaluate the activities.
Early Childhood Services
Strengthen parental involvement in areas of parent-child reading time and engagement activities at home in order to positively impact Kindergarten readiness.
- Increase participation in program-provided activities and reading at home in order to strengthen parents' involvement in their child’s language development.
Increase child outcome data in the area of social-emotional development.
- Support teachers, home visitors, and families in responding to the increased behavior needs of preschool children by implementing Conscious Discipline practices into the classroom and home environment and providing developmentally appropriate resources.
Increase child outcome data in the area of language and literacy.
- Enhance instructional practices in areas of early literacy development through the implementation of SEEDS of Early Literacy, essential practices, and other identified researched-based approaches, etc.
Muskegon County Virtual Academy (MCVA)
Use student data to focus on positive student growth outcomes.
- Use student diagnostic data in iReady to track student growth and inform classroom instruction.
- Use student diagnostic results to inform classroom instruction and remediate student learning.
Develop outreach and marketing for students who left public education.
- Plan, develop, and implement marketing materials for students who left public education.
- Meet with parents to identify the “why” behind leaving public education. Look for opportunities to build bridges with parents from a variety of school experiences.
Early On/ MMSE
Provide compliant, seamless, and family-friendly transitions for students back to their local school districts at age 3 that meet required timelines.
Local school district and Early On staff:
Collaborate monthly at staffings to jointly plan for transitions and determine student needs;
Follow consistent and timely processes which clearly outline local school district and Early On tasks.
- Families are fully informed of their rights and are active participants in the process.
Provide an understanding to the public of the services the MAISD technology department provides, the collaboratives/consortiums it facilitates, and the associated cost savings and benefits to each district.
- Provide detailed information concerning the services districts receive and information concerning the consortiums/collaboratives led by the ISD technology department.
- Provide detailed information concerning cost savings due to participation, along with a comparison of non-participation costs.
Provide cybersecurity resources to districts to help districts create a diligent, cybersecurity-aware staff and provide assessment tools to maintain a high level of network security.
- Provide training resources to districts to help train staff members.
- Provide tools for locals to use to assess their cybersecurity strategy and effectiveness.
Lead efforts in the adoption of a countywide technology framework that provides an environment where: decision-making on initiatives is a collaborative effort, the standardization of platforms across the county is the norm, and major expenditures are approached as a consortium as a means of cost savings.
- Create a focus group to discuss opportunities for the standardization of platforms.
Create a forum where district initiatives are discussed and shared prior to making decisions to allow the opportunity to determine if it is something that can be done on a county/consortium level.
Instructional Services/ Special Education
Develop sustainable structures at the ISD that support well-being and academic achievement.
- Develop a Muskegon County Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF) long-term visioning group (inclusive of all 3 Tiers and community/district partners).
- Secure or identify long-term funding sources.
Develop a system that uses available data (including process, perception, and outcome) to inform decisions about district needs around training and coaching through a collaborative approach.
- Refine our District Integration Process including following up on identified goals with districts.
- Empower the MAISD IS/SE staff to gain a comprehensive understanding and expertise in the MTSS Practice Profile in order to effectively support districts.
- Implement the MAISD Service Delivery Process.
Develop structures to build the capacity of educators in today’s professional learning environments.
- Provide asynchronous learning opportunities across the county for teacher/district teams to access.
- Develop a tool that will bring clarity and organization to district requests.
Promote structures that allow equitable access for all students.
- Provide learning to integrate universal strategies and practices to ensure social and academic engagement and access.
- Advocate for and support implementation of instruction in Project-, Place-, and Problem-Based Learning with our districts.
- Utilize Design Thinking Principles in leadership, systems, and processes within our organization and in partnership with our districts.
Wesley School
Improve the quality of specially designed instruction provided to students at Wesley School.
- Install a building-wide curricular resource (Unique Learning Systems by N2Y).
- Embed research-based movement and communication specially designed instruction (adaptations, interventions, strategies) into daily instruction.