Transition Services
Who We Are
The Transition Consultant works in collaboration with local school district teams in Muskegon County to provide training and coaching support for quality and compliant Individualized Education Plans and transition-related services.
Our Goal
To prepare students for adult life to live as independently as possible, access continuing education or training, be employed, and participate in the community. EARLY, THOUGHTFUL, AND THOROUGH planning between the student, family, teachers, and agencies enables students to be better equipped to meet the challenges of adulthood.
How We Serve
Collaborating with secondary teachers on transition resources, issues, and concerns
Facilitation of meetings/attending meetings where transition will be discussed
Professional Development: county-wide, district-level, and building-level IEP teams
Facilitation of meetings with IEP teams and community agency personnel
Sharing of events/opportunities to teachers, support staff, local transition coordinator contacts, students, parents, and community agency personnel
Transition Participants in Action
Examples of Services
Coaching students and their families to think about goals for life after high school and develop strategies to reach those goals.
Assist and design the high-school experience to ensure the student gains the skills and competencies needed to achieve his or her desired post-school goals.
Identify and link students and families to needed post-school services, supports, or programs before the student exits the school system.
Planning and implementing professional development for quality and compliant IEPs around State Performance Plan Indicator 13.
Networks Supported
Transition Council Community of Practice
Employment Work Group
MAISD Transition Campus work-based learning program