Early Childhood SE Support
Early Childhood Special Education Support
Who We Are
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Consulting supports all ECSE classrooms within Muskegon County schools. Our ECSE Consulting provides training, consulting, and coaching services to local school district ECSE teachers, staff, and supervisors.
Our Goal
The goal of ECSE consulting is to provide high-quality professional learning to enhance preschool special education staff members' ability to use evidence-based practices with children who have diverse needs, aiming to achieve positive learning outcomes for both children and staff.
How We Serve
ECSE classroom observations conducted to support universal supports and evidence-based practices within the classroom.
Individual and team ECSE coaching to support the implementation of universal supports and evidence-based practices in the ECSE classroom.
Planning and implementing professional development focusing on universal supports and evidence-based practices in ECSE.
Examples of Professional Development Provided
- ECSE Community of Practice
- ECSE New Teacher Training
- ECSE Team Training
Networks Supported
- ECSE Teachers’ Communities of Practice
- Jessica Plummer
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