Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness
What We Do
Recognizing the strong link between health and learning, MAISD health and wellness consultation and related support services aim to support schools in the implementation of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model including supporting a comprehensive PreK-12 health education curriculum, student health behavior data and analysis, assessment of the school health environment to support the whole child, and adequate access to health services including behavioral health.
We also strive to improve the overall health status of adolescents and children in Michigan resulting in healthy students who are ready and able to learn and become healthy, educated and productive adults.
Who We Serve
- Individual or group classroom teachers (grade level, department, etc.)
- Non-teacher support staff
- School building or district administrator
- School building or district leadership team
- Entire school building or district
Examples of Service
- Professional development and technical assistance for the Michigan Model for Health (MMH) curriculum and other health education related content
- Support the collection of health related data, including the Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth (MiPHY) and the Healthy School Action Tools (HSAT)
- Communicate and provide resources regarding:
- Michigan school code mandates specific to health education, reproductive health, teacher qualifications, etc.
- Health education funding and program opportunities
- Current legislation, state and national policies, health education resources, and issues that impact students and schools
- Establishing and maintaining active sex education advisory boards by providing resources
- Medicaid outreach
How We Serve
- Facilitation of a meeting (more than 1 other person)
- Providing or leading training on a specific topic (conducting a workshop)
- Observation in a classroom
- Modeling instructional practices in the classroom
- Working directly with administrators or building leadership teams
- Being an attendee (content expert) at a meeting (not facilitating)
- Planning with a teacher(s) (1-1 or group)
- Analyzing data with a teacher(s) or leadership team (1-1 or group)
- Cognitive coaching (feedback)
- Advising/recommending a course of action
- Coordinating an event, activity, or collaboration
We offer a variety of professional development on topics for administrators, teachers, support staff and more! Click the icon to the left to view our course catalog!
For More Information Contact:
Alexandrea Bodenberg
Health Education Consultant
Phone: 231-767-7310
Contact Alexandrea Bodenberg via email
Amy Dykes
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 231-767-7339
Contact Amy Dykes via email