English Learners
English Learners
What We Do
MAISD English Learner (EL) services aim to support schools with the implementation of the WIDA ELD Standards Framework to ensure equity of opportunity for multilingual learners. Additional support includes technical assistance, professional development, compliance, and classroom coaching.
Who We Serve
- Individual or group classroom teachers (grade level, department, etc.)
- Non-teacher support staff
- School building or district administrator
- School building or district leadership team
- Entire school building or district
Examples of Service
- Collaborating with local schools and service agencies to coordinate EL services
- Developing and providing professional development focused on the needs of ELs
- Assisting schools with state and federal compliance for EL programs
How We Serve
- To improve equity of opportunity and access to all multilingual learners
- To improve integration of content and language where academic content is the context for language learning
To improve collaboration among all stakeholders responsible for the education of multilingual learners
We offer a variety of professional development on topics for administrators, teachers, support staff and more! Click the icon to the left to view our course catalog!
Networks Supported
- EL Communication and Collaboration Series
- Schools' Civil Rights Obligations to English Learner Students and Limited English Proficient Parents
- Presentation- Schools’ Civil Rights Obligations to English Learners: Leadership Perceptions on Key Issues
- Sample EL Procedures Checklist
- English Learners - Special Populations 101 Video
Additional resources are provided via email request. To make a request via email, please use the HELP button to the left.
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