Arts Education
Arts Education
Who We Serve
An education in the arts helps students learn to identify, appreciate, and participate in the traditional art form of their own communities. Our goal is to provide visual arts educators with a collaborate community to enrich the arts experiences their students receive.
What We Do
To support this work, the MAISD arts services collaborates with community partners to bring many different arts experiences to our schools annually. In addition, professional development is offered to area visual arts educators.
Examples of Service
Students will participate in arts experiences in the areas of performing and visual arts. Visual arts educators will strengthen their subject area knowledge and collaborate with various community partners to make their programs stronger.
- Coordination of events or one-time PD offering in a timely topic
How We Serve
- Providing or leading training on a specific topic (conducting a workshop)
- Coordinating an event, activity, or collaboration
We offer a variety of professional development on topics for administrators, teachers, support staff and more! Click the icon to the left to view our course catalog!
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