Early On
Helping Babies and Toddlers Grow and Learn!
The first years of a child's life are very important. A child's brain grows and develops at a faster rate during these years as compared to any other time in life!
Early On in Muskegon County offers early intervention services for families of infants and toddlers, birth to three years of age, with developmental delay(s) and/or disabilities. Research has shown that by addressing delays early on - especially between birth and age 3 - a child's development can be positively impacted for the rest of his or her life.
What is Early On?
The following 30 second video gives an overview of our program.
It is important to know that babies and toddlers all grow at different rates. No individual child is the same. If you think your infant or toddler may have a developmental delay, our motto is "Don't Worry - But Don't Wait." Parents or other adults may call the MAISD at 231-767-7247 or the state referral line at 1-800-EarlyOn to make a referral of a child who may have some type of possible delay. Trained staff are available to visit the child and family and conduct an assessment of the child. If services are called for, there is no cost to the family.
Where may I obtain further information about Early On?
For more information contact: