Auto Service Technology
Auto Service Technology
Students perform alignments, engine rebuilds, brakes and drive-line services, engine electronics programming, air conditioning repair, and other general automotive maintenance and services. Automobile Service Excellence (ASE) Entry Level certifications, fourth-year math, and college credit are available. Related careers include automotive service technician, automotive service writer, automotive service manager.
Download the Auto Service Technology brochure.
College Credit
Students who successfully complete this course may receive articulated college credit to the following schools: Baker College, Davenport University, Delta College, Ferris State University, Grand Rapids Community College, Mid Michigan Community College, Muskegon Community College, University of Northwestern Ohio, and Washtenaw Community College. For information on how to earn articulated credit contact Andrea Rusco at the CTC.
Students who successfully complete this course may receive direct college credit to Muskegon Community College. Our direct credit web page has a list of all participating classes.
Instructor Bios
Instructor: Jeff Mammoser
Parapro: Richard Tripp
Service Manager: William Friend
Helpful links:
- Tools, Equipment, and Industry Standards
- Brakes
- Steering, Suspension and Alignment
- Electrical and Electronic Systems
- Engine Repair
- Engine Performance
- Automatic Transmissions, Transaxles, and Drivetrains
- Manual Transmissions, Transaxles, and Drivetrains
- Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
- Career Ready Practices