Muskegon Area Promise

Muskegon Area Promise Logo

Who is Eligible for The PROMISE?

PROMISE scholarships are available to students attending the following high schools:

Calvary Christian
Mona Shores
Montague Area
Muskegon Catholic Central
Muskegon Covenant Academy
Muskegon Heights Public School Academy
North Muskegon
Orchard View
Western Michigan Christian

The Muskegon Area Intermediate School District (MAISD) is committed to serving all students who reside within the MAISD service area. We welcome homeschool student participation in countywide programs and services like the Muskegon Area Career Tech Center and the Muskegon Area Promise.

To register your student, or for additional information regarding Promise eligibility requirements for homeschool graduates, please link to our form below.



What Do You Need To Do?

House IconLIVE within the boundaries of the Muskegon Area Intermediate School District.

Graduation Cap IconGRADUATE with a qualifying GPA from one of the 16 eligible high schools. Homeschool graduates may qualify by completing a MAISD Registration.

Dollar Sign IconAPPLY for student aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and complete the verification process as requested each year (

Laptop IconENROLL at either Muskegon Community College or Baker College of Muskegon.

No scholarship application is needed for the Promise award. Graduates will be notified with a letter of eligibility.  

Each year, PROMISE scholars must accept the award by completing and returning the online form on or BEFORE July 1.

Students must successfully complete their coursework to maintain eligibility. Each college’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policies apply.

Click to accept your award


Why do YOU need to further YOUR education?

In the past, the West Michigan job market offered a good living without college or even a full high school education. Today we live in a globally-oriented, knowledge-driven world where the majority of job postings require a certificate, an associate degree or a bachelor’s degree.*

By 2025, this number is projected to rise to 64%.**

Of Muskegon’s current workforce, only 39% have these types of post high school degrees.***

This is where the Muskegon Area Promise comes in.

* W.E. Upjohn Institute 2014, **TalentFirst, ***Stronger Nation 2022

How Does The PROMISE Work?  

Scholarships will fund either a certificate program, a two-year associate degree or the first two years of a bachelor’s degree at Muskegon Community College or Baker College of Muskegon. The PROMISE provides the financial assistance necessary to earn up to 72 credits in an effort to obtain a two-year degree or its equivalent when used in conjunction with federal, state and institutional grants.

The PROMISE  Scholarship, working in tandem with other state or federal awards, will be for an amount up to the cost of attendance for full-time enrollment over three terms (Fall, Winter and Summer) per year. 

Students will have a maximum of five years from high school graduation to use their PROMISE Scholarship award. Based on any revised financial aid information, the amount of the PROMISE Scholarship may be adjusted each year.

See Scholarship Terms at a Glance

MI Community College Guarantee logo
Welcoming a New Investment

For more than 10 years, Michigan Promise Zones have been leaders in providing scholarship opportunities to address some of the most critical problems we face in our communities: helping disadvantaged students close the achievement gap, assisting cities in retaining and attracting middle-class families, and drawing knowledge-based businesses to distressed communities. We welcome the new investment from the State of Michigan to grow this work and ensure every student gets the support needed to go to college and earn a degree or certificate!  

To learn more visit or preview the Michigan Achievement Scholarship Updates for changes to the State of Michigan's flagship financial aid program at a glance, and/or visit Muskegon Community College to learn how the investment affects local students.


Muskegon Area Promise Development Plan

Development Plan - September 2015
Development Plan - as amended March 2016
Development Plan - as amended April 2020
Development Plan - as amended February 2023
Development Plan - as amended March 2024
Development Plan - as amended March 2025

Muskegon Area Promise Audit Report

PDF DocumentFY2025 Audit Report

Muskegon Area Promise Zone Authority Board

Member Name Organization Represented
Christopher Dean Community Representative
Rachel Gorman Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce
Justin Grill Trinity Health
Keith Guy Muskegon Public Schools
Holly Hughes Community Representative
Randy Lindquist Muskegon Area Intermediate School District
Aaron Maike Baker College of Muskegon
Gary Nelund State Farm Insurance
Steve Parker LongView Management Consulting
John Selmon Muskegon Community College
Laurel Zwit Greenridge Realty
Megan Byard Karaba Career & College Readiness Program Director

Muskegon Area Promise Zone Meeting Dates & Minutes

2024-25 Meeting Schedule

07/09/24 - Agenda; Minutes
09/10/24 - Agenda; Minutes
11/12/24 - Agenda; Minutes
01/14/25 - Agenda; Minutes
03/11/25 - Agenda; Minutes
05/13/25 - Agenda; Minutes

2023-24 Meeting Schedule

07/11/23 - Agenda; Minutes
08/08/23 - CANCELLED
09/12/23 - Agenda; Minutes
10/10/23 - Agenda; Minutes
11/14/23 - Agenda; Minutes
12/12/23 - Agenda; Minutes
01/09/24 - Agenda; Minutes
02/13/24 - AgendaMinutes
03/12/24 - CANCELLED
03/22/24 - Special Meeting - Agenda; Minutes
04/09/24 - Agenda; Minutes
05/14/24 - Agenda; Minutes
06/11/24 - CANCELLED

2022-23 - Previous Years' Minutes may be obtained by contacting the Superintendent's office at 231-767-7201 or by email request to Barbara Irey.



Making the PROMISE possible

Thank you to all of our donors for making this journey of tuition free scholarships a reality! Our PROMISE is financially supported through commitment by pillar organizations, area business, higher education partners, state treasury and more. Every gift has made a difference, and every experience builds talent!

Muskegon Area Promise Funders

For more information contact:

Megan Byard-Karaba, Career & College Readiness Program Director

Lindsay Pulsipher, Student Engagement Specialist 